Philisophical Egret


Sometimes your have to let them get their feet wet on their own, let them wade into the water shallows and just see what happens.

11 responses to “Philisophical Egret”

  1. The background of subtle reflections is lovely. Good capture of the egret and its reflection. 🙂


    1. Thanks, it was a misty morning, and I didn’t even have time to get out of the car as I was on the way to work, just pulled off the oradn, wound down the window and snapped, so can’t really take much credit for this 🙂


      1. Luck is always a factor in photography!


  2. That is an AMAZING pic! Did you take it with a zoom?


    1. Yes you CAN take credit: its your pic! And the manner in which you took it makes it even more incredible


    2. Thanks, took it with the zoom on the old camera, at CastleForbes Bay


  3. Love your saying and REALLY love your photo….fantastic!


    1. 🙂 🙂


  4. You can so take credit for this! (Little kid argue voice 🙂 ) Here’s what I see: you had the vision and inspiration to take the picture in the first place, it’s a focused image – not necessarily an easy feat from the car, and the composition is wonderful. These are all credit worthy. 🙂 pat yourself on the back.


    1. 🙂 patting myself on the back, thanks 🙂


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