At Eighteen

At eighteen

I sit with dreams of love
but no way to build the reality
the material has become redundant at 24


One of my earliest poems – I still like it.

6 responses to “At Eighteen”

  1. Like it you should. It resonates with me and I am certain will resonate with many πŸ™‚

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    1. You are most kind. Isn’t it funny how those feelings of so many years ago still have power. I feel sad for who I was back then not having what they wanted (or thought they wanted).

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      1. It is such an age of longing, I think … longing for things that by now are long forgotten and many of which were entirely implausible. A window onto the you of that time through your own words is a powerful and most evocative thing. A thing to be treasured most dearly.

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        1. Or, to make me laugh hysterically at what I thought I wanted. πŸ™‚ Some of both in this one!

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  2. Don’t you love running across something you scribbled out way back when and thinking “wow, I apparently had some degree of sense in my younger days and this bit here is rather nice”. There’s hope for all of us scribblers… πŸ˜‰

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    1. I do, and it does surprise me when I still like it. I am always going to be a scribbler (as opposed to a writer, I’m not patient enough to be a writer) – Scribblers Unite!

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Happiness is kind words from a friend …..