Weird Likes

Something weird is happening in my comments – haven’t had this much “sexy” in my life for decades 🙂

Either all these folks have been hacked – or the Russians have found a way to make everyone sexy!!!


22 responses to “Weird Likes”

  1. I noticed this too, Claudette. Interested to see if you get a response from WordPress.

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    1. Hmm – haven’t contacted them, just figured someone has been hacked and piggybacked it here. Was yours just American bloggers?

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      1. No, UK, Aus and NZ bloggers.

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  2. Yes, I can relate to, Claudette. Same thing’s been happening in my comments for the past few weeks.

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    1. It is slightly disturbing – and funnya t the same time.

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  3. From what I’m reading, it’s happening all over WordPress, Claudette. Whatever you do, don’t click on any of those links. If you (or any reader) clicks on the infected links your/their blog will get infected with a virus. I’ve also heard of blogger’s computer’s also becoming affected if the link is clicked on.

    WordPress is aware of the problem and are working on it. I had over 20 of those messages in my WordPress spam folder today and deleted all of them (without opening them). However, some bloggers (who do not moderate all comments) have allowed the infected likes onto their blogs posts. I’ve already seen a number of them on blog’s I follow. 😕

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    1. Ohhhhh that’s what those are. Even my tiny blog got one, I thought it was a porn bot or suchlike. Thank you for the explanation!

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      1. I’m not sure what/how they get there – I just know ignoring them is the very best thing you can do.

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    2. I haven’t clciked on any – I do have a healthy paranoia about that – not sure how I can delete their “likes” as that is al they are – no comments that I can delete. If you know how to safely remove them Hugh I would be grateful to hear it. 🙂

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      1. The only way you can remove them is to remove the ‘like’ button from the comments on your blog, Claudette. However, I’ve had no more of them, so I’m thinking that maybe WordPress have got rid of any more being left. Keep an eye on them for now.

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        1. Yep, haven’t seen anymore either – so maybe we got innoculated 🙂

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  4. ooooh, sexy! I haven’t seen this, but I’ve been getting another surge of the mysterious followers, so that’s fun. Never a dull moment in blogging!

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    1. Hehe – haven’t any today, so that is something of a relief – all that “sexY’ was dong my head in 🙂

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  5. nothing sexy on my blog — pity!

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    1. Oh, you poor man – better speak to the other half, perhaps they can compensate! 🙂


  6. I’ve encountered the same in recent days. Hardly the caliber of likes I’d like to be attracting. Geez 😕

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    1. Yeah, it’s the weirdies!

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  7. I got a few likes and comments from one wp blog but when I clicked on the link it took me to the WordPress login page! What I don’t get is how can someone “like” without being logged in themselves!

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    1. yeah, hackers are pretty clever folks – if unlikeable most of the time.

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  8. Thanks for posting about this! I kept getting the same thing for quite a few days, then they stopped. I never click on strange looking ones, either.

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    1. I’m alittle “non-clicker parannoid” from waaaaay back. Don’t do online quizzes or share memes either. 🙂

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