Weekly Photo Challenge: Art

Toothpick Painting PendantHere is my “toothpick painting”, a wearable work of art featuring acrylic paint on canvas on hammered nickle silver, sealed with resin, worn as a necklace.


15 responses to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Art”

    1. Freaky good or freaky bad ? 🙂


      1. Freaky goooood. This is unusual, and very innovative


        1. Ah, thanks Rajiv,:) the toothpicks do spread the paint in lovely little ways.


          1. Toothpicks? You used toothpicks?


            1. yep, daub on paint, spread with toothpicks. They streak it into other colours really lovely.


  1. Mermaid Momma Avatar
    Mermaid Momma

    This is lovely! I would wear for sure!


    1. Thanks. I do enjoy wearing it, but I have at least 30 other necklaces that I have made, so I have to alternate them 🙂


      1. Mermaid Momma Avatar
        Mermaid Momma

        You should see on Etsy or something of a sort 🙂


        1. I am. I also have a website, but not much happens there 🙂


  2. I think this is so pretty, I would totally wear this as a pin or hair clip. 🙂


    1. Thank you. 🙂 This one is a little big for a hair clip, but I have made one in a smaller size.


  3. You are so clever, I wish I could produce such beautiful things!! Sadly, I have the attention span of a gnat, Although I have decided to attempt to transfer some of my photos onto canvas, tht’s the nearest I will probably come to great art!! 😀


    1. You are clever in words, writing humour in weird situations. hat is a talent to treasure, my friend. I just squash bis of grown up play doh and play with paint 🙂


  4. Or that’s, even!!


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