Black and White Photography Challenge: Day #1 – A Chair in the Sun

Hugh from Hugh’s News & Views invited me in his post to participate in the Black & White Photography Challenge and post a photo each day for the next five days.  I’m do not normally take B & W photos, but Hugh is such a nice bloke, how could I resist.

Day 1 – A Chair in the Sun

Chair & Lavendar
Chair & Lavendar

8 responses to “Black and White Photography Challenge: Day #1 – A Chair in the Sun”

  1. Thanks for taking up my invite to participate in this challenge, Claudette.

    You’ve got off to a great start. I love the plant pot next to the chair. It gives the picture that extra something.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Hugh. I would have liked to get a bit closer to the chair, as it has some interesting cracks, but it is what it is, and I am happy with it.

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      1. I always say that is what matters most of all. If you are happy with it, then go with it. It would make a very interesting photo prompt for a story challenge 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Mmm, thinking, thinking

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  2. Great contrast of textures here, Claudette. Looks like a lovely place for a cup of tea. 😊.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Maria, it is very nice out there in the sun, I often sit on the back deck with my cuppa.

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  3. So simple and perfectly beautiful! Black and white photos are my fave right now!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I enjoyed taking some, but colour is my favourite.


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