Gaia and Luna

Gaia, earthbound beauty, bathed all in light
speaks softly to Luna, her pale sister of night
“I’ve a horrible feeling all over my skin
I’ve just heard of Humanity, can you look and see,
if something hideous is crawling on me?”

created for the Gargleblaster 42 word Challenge “Is something crawling on me?”

20 responses to “Gaia and Luna”

  1. KymmInBarcelona Avatar

    LOL Just barely managed to keep water from spurting all over the keyboard. Love it!


  2. You are a very brilliant lady!! Loving this!! Now going to try one myself!! 😀


    1. Thank you, Oh Witchy One. They are fun to do, limiting the words is a bit tricky, but still fun.


  3. You are so eloquent! 🙂


    1. Thanks Maria, sometimes I’m not, and you don’t see the words that get scrapped in the drafts, but thank you.


      1. It’s like that for all of us, Claudette! Lol! 🙂


  4. Very clever. I could never do this. I’ve tried, but can’t seem to get anything less than 100 words! I put it down to an over active mind whilst writing. All the words want to stay and, try as I can to try and persuade some of them to leave, they just will not!


    1. This is great for me, not good at long pieces, I lose interest/run out of words – which is strange because I talk, a lot! Thanks Hugh.


  5. A unique and fun answer to the question, Claudette! It seems most submissions went for dark and scary – yours is refreshing


    1. Thanks james, yours scared the bugs out of me, quite creepy – in a good-writing kkind of way, obviously. Haven’t found time to look at the rest of them yet, always so many other things to read. I like the challenge of only 42 words, makes me think.


  6. […] prize this week! It goes to Claudette, a newbie who missed the grid, but linked to her poem Gaia and Luna in the comments. Her poem is a little tongue-in-cheek and a lot social […]


  7. Congrats on your award! It’s well earned.


    1. Thanks James, feeling pretty chuffed that someone liked it enough for that, especially because all the others were great bits of writing.
      Did I ask you to do a “Guesting Questions” feature on my second blog? I would really love you too, if you can. Nikki is up for this week, and hoping you can do one for next Saturday, then Hugh is the week after that. Let me know how you feel about that


      1. You can call me Nate 🙂 James is my surname. I’d love to do your feature. That’s the one where I ask you a question that I may never get an answer to, yes?


        1. Sorry about the name, I get a bit confused sometimes. 🙂
          Yes, the question can be about anything, just know that you might not get an answer, or you can provide your own selection of answers that I will put in a poll for people to choose from (hopefully, if I get more people going to the blog). Silly of serious is entirely up to you. Thanks, Nate.


  8. These were magical words! Loved it!!


    1. Sometimes things just seem to roll of the fingers onto the keypad – luckily this was one of them. Thank you for your kind words.


  9. […] prize this week! It goes to Claudette, a newbie who missed the grid, but linked to her poem Gaia and Luna in the comments. Her poem is a little tongue-in-cheek and a lot social […]


  10. […] prize this week! It goes to Claudette, a newbie who missed the grid, but linked to her poem Gaia and Luna in the comments. Her poem is a little tongue-in-cheek and a lot social […]


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