Walking On Sunshine Blog Hop Party

The very lovely Hugh has had another fantabaroonie idea for a party – the Walking On Sunshine Blog Hop Party.

I, of course, could not resist the opportunity to put on my glittery thongs (look at the feet, people) and my very best Akubra hat (with dangling glittery corks around the brim), sling my swag over my back and waltz off to his party.

As per his instructions I am bringing with me my someone who brings a guaranteed smile to my face every time they post a blog – even though I do not know them.  See, I’m an Ocker and I’m friendly like that  🙂

So, without further ado (Ado couldn’t come, he had a toenail emergency and couldn’t find support thongs) here is Penny Redshaw from Motivating Giraffe.  A lovely Aussie girl drawing giraffes – absolutely makes sense to me.  She very kindly lets you share her pictures (although give the girl some credit, and credit her with the source of the unique dots of happiness) and has a digital download hi-res page too.

So, there you have it, me with my stylish and oh-so-typically-australian-party-going-outfit and Penny with her Giraffe.  Hope you have a very high roofline Hugh.

5 responses to “Walking On Sunshine Blog Hop Party”

  1. I’m so pleased this blog hop party of mine is being held outside, Claudette, so we’ll get the giraffe in here without any problems.

    Thank you so much for introducing us to Penny and her blog. I’ll be taking a look at her blog shortly.

    Did I say that you are looking lovely this evening? Those glittery thongs, or flip-flops as we call them in the UK, are outshining the disco ball I put up for the dancing. I may need to borrow them if the disco ball fails 🙂 Do giraffes dance? I’m sure we are about to find out.

    Thanks for participating in my blog hop, Claudette. Have a great time and I hope you get to meet a few more blog loving’ bloggers while you are here.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Fantastic Party, Hugh, glad we got the Matilda to get us here. 🙂 Penny and the Giraffe are enjoying it too I think.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, I’ve been talking to them and we are following each other’s blogs now. I’m not sure if the giraffe has a blog, but I told him he should.


  2. You inspire me…to do what, I’m not sure…but inspire me, you do. 😀 Oh, and I had a fantastic half hour perusing the labour of love over at the Motivating Giraffe. Absolutely awesome!! Thanks for the link.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The giraffes are great, aren’t they. Thanks for the credit of inspiration, Sis. I hear you made some lovely hats lately, so I look forward to seeing them next week.


Happiness is kind words from a friend …..